Exclusive dealer area
Here we inform you about the latest news about the website and the dealer online shop of BURG-WÄCHTER and BURG-GUARD, so that you can quickly and clearly obtain information about new products, promotions, POS materials and much more. You can order the desired products as usual via the product menu or via the search function. You can find your products with just a few clicks. The BURG-WÄCHTER team wishes you lots of fun in the dealer area!
News | Adjustments
Change of our legal form as of 15.01.2025
we are pleased to inform you today about the upcoming change
in our legal form.
For reasons of company law, we will be operating as of 15.01.2025 as:
All existing contractual agreements as well as the general terms and conditions of business, sale and delivery remain unaffected
and of course remain valid.
The address, commercial register number, VAT identification number and existing bank details will also remain unchanged.
Please update our company name accordingly in your master data as of 15 January 2025 and use the following company name in our
business correspondence in future
Of course, your personal contact persons will continue to be available for you under the known contact details.
We would like to thank you in advance for your attention and your efforts.
We look forward to continuing our good, trusting and long-standing co-operation with your company.
Christopher Lüling
ppa. Gerrit Lüling
Geschäftsbereichsleiter Vertrieb

POS material
Pure-Safe POS material available to order!
You can order the extensive POS material (exclusively in German!) for the new Pure-Safe safe range directly here in the webshop. Take a look around the webshop and choose the POS material that best suits your business!

Simply order faster with the Quick-buy view!
In all categories you have the option of the new Quick-buy view. Simply click on the full-size square in the top left-hand corner under "View as" and you will get a special view! This allows you to add products quickly and directly to your shopping basket. Of course, this even applies to items with different variants.

Image & video material
Exclusive image & video material
In the dealer service areas of BURG-WÄCHTER and BURG-GUARD we provide you with exclusive image and video material on our products for download.