Archiv-Türschlosselektronik-secuENTRY Einzelkomponenten 〡 ENTRY 7171 RELAY
secuENTRY 7171 Relay - Conveniently opening gates and garages
Do you want to open your garage door electrically? Or the gate to your courtyard entrance? Then simply integrate the corresponding door into the secuENTRY pro locking system! The secuENTRY 7171 relay makes it possible. The switching unit sends the corresponding signal to open or close the gate. Of course, there are many other possible applications. Any external electrical device can be switched with the relay. For example, rolling gates or barriers. Furthermore, light sources can also be controlled via the switching unit.Secure data transmission thanks to AES encryption
The secuENTRY 7171 relay can be activated in various ways. By pin code or finger scan via the secuENTRY pro keypad as well as via the sE-Key active transponder. Of course, switching via the BURGsmart App is also possible. Incidentally, the data is received via modern Bluetooth 5.2 and is secure thanks to AES encryption. The switching unit is installed in a weatherproof and tamper-proof area. Important: No voltage of 230 volts may be switched via the relay 7171. The maximum voltage is 24 volts. To teach-in the secuENTRY 7171 relay, simply use the QR code enclosed in the packaging.Easy assignment of opening authorisations and time functions
Using the optional secuENTRY software, you can equip the relay with time functions and assign opening rights. This means you always have an overview of who is allowed to use the functions of the secuENTRY 7171 relay and who is not.- • Steuereinheit für die Schaltung externer elektrischer Geräte (Bedienung von Rolltoren, Schranken, Lichtquellen etc.) • Zeit und Kalenderfunktionen (umfangreiche Zeitfunktionen)• Historienfunktion: 2.000 Ereignisse• Bis zu 2.000 Identmedien programmierbar. Davon max. 45 Finger- prints bei Nutzung einer secuENTRY Fingerprint-Tastatur und 300 bei Nutzung der PC-Software• Aktivtransponder (Funkschlüssel)- und KeyApp-kompatibel• Spannungsversorgung: 6V bis 12V DC 500mAh • Anschlüsse: - NC potenzialfreier Öffnerkontakt (max. 24V 1A) - NO potenzialfreier Schließerkontakt (max. 24V 1A)• Datenübertragung Bluetooth (AES-verschlüsselt)PC-fähig• Über die optional erhältliche PC-Software sind u. a. Funktionen möglich wie: - Benutzerverwaltung - Vergabe von Rechten - Auslesen der Historie etc.
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