Sustainability at BURG-WÄCHTER

Our commitment to a sustainable future

Sustainability is more than just a buzzword for us. It is a promise and a commitment to preserve the world for future generations. We at BURG-WÄCHTER see it as our task to actively contribute to solving global environmental problems by developing resource-saving products and actively involving every single employee.

Our vision

Our vision is a world in which economic growth and environmental awareness go hand in hand. We strive to be a pioneer in sustainability by promoting innovative solutions and responsible business practices. In doing so, we are guided by the values of integrity, transparency and social responsibility.

Our goals

For us, sustainability means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the opportunities of future generations. We focus on economic efficiency, social justice and a sense of ecological responsibility. Sustainability is the foundation of our decisions to ensure a future worth living.

Our photovoltaic system

Energy Power

Since mid-2022, we have installed a 5,000m² photovoltaic system on our roof areas. This system has a peak output of 750kw/h and can therefore cover 100% of our electricity requirements at the Volmarstein site on sunny days. The surplus energy is fed into the town's electricity grid. This investment of around half a million euros enables us to use solar energy sustainably and in the long term for our production machines.

This is the energy balance of our roofs since 01.01.2024

Saving for the environment

0megawatt hours of electricity generated
0tons of CO2 saved
0Trees - this is how high this climate service is (CO2 storage and photosynthesis)

70% recycled plastic

With the OCEAN lock, BURG-WÄCHTER makes its high level of awareness for a sustainable future tangible in its product portfolio. The particularly durable OCEAN padlock not only has a casing made of recycled plastic - every part of this lock has been thought through holistically and sustainably.

Further measures

Climate-neutral catalog printing:

Sometimes you can't do without paper, but then we print in a climate-neutral way. In addition, no plastic is used for packaging and storage. The bvdm seal of approval confirms that catalog production is emission-free. The associated CO2 compensation flows into a forest project in Panama.

More movement, fewer emissions!

BURG-WÄCHTER supports all employees with the purchase of an e-bike. So that the car stays in the garage more often!

Why bees are so important

Thanks to their pollination service, bees play a key role in safeguarding biodiversity - and ultimately for our healthy table. BURG-WÄCHTER makes room for many busy bee colonies on its premises.