Videos zur Einrichtung BURGsmart Protect

The cloud-based security system BURGsmart PROTECT from BURG-WÄCHTER alerts you whether you are at home or away, offering complete peace of mind.

Motion detector Motion 2012
Reliable detection of movement will alert you if intruders enter restricted areas in and around the home. The Motion 2012 indoor motion detector is small enough to be placed inconspicuously.
In addition to movements, the motion detector can also take temperature and humidity readings.

Door & window contact Contact 2032
Open or closed
With the Contact 2032 door & window contact from the BURGsmart PROTECT series, all it takes is a glance at your mobile phone to check all doors and windows are closed.

Siren Noise 2162
Stealthy, quiet and silent - that's the motto of a burglar.
How good that there is the Noise 2162 siren. It sounds the alarm with up to 90 dB. In connection with Alexa, the siren also provides you with current data on temperature and humidity - simply on demand.

Water Detector 2062
Water Intrusion
Security at home is not always just burglary protection. You can also have the good feeling of security if you are informed in good time about water damage - for example, if the washing machine or dishwasher is running while you are away.