The right choice
Advantages with secuENTRY

Your choice
You have the choice of how to open your door conveniently - with your mobile phone, by code, fingerprint or transponder.
Never stand in front of a locked door without a key again.

Your secure access – secure AES data transmission and up to 1 million code options provide the secure feeling that only those who are allowed in, can get in.

Simple mounting
The secuENTRY door cylinder is easily installed - simply remove the old cylinder and insert the new electronic door cylinder - and you're done. Battery operation means there are no wires or cables to route.
House move or change of location, is no problem simply take your secuENTRY door cylinder with you.

In connection
Modern Bluetooth standard ensures a stable connection between the components.

Some secuENTRY cylinders also have an emergency lock. This ensures access even independently of electronic access media.